6 Simple Ways to Get Your Beverly Hills Garden Started

6 Simple Ways to Get Your Beverly Hills Garden Started #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmgarden #obimagazine #gardenplants #hirealandscaper #beautifulgarden #gardenplants
Few things rival the exquisite beauty of a nicely maintained garden, where a harmonious blend of colors and features creates an enchanting oasis to behold and savor. You don’t have to hire a landscaper to install a garden at your Beverly Hills home, as you can take on the job yourself. Here are a few simple ways of making your garden easily from scratch.

1. Find a Spot in Your Yard

Where will you have your garden located in your yard? Some people use a portion, while others use the entire yard. The location and size depend on your preference and how much space you must work in. Vegetables need lots of sun, and some experts recommend a section of the yard that gets at least five to six hours of sun daily.

If you’re planting other plants, check with the nursery what amount of sun is required. Every plant species has different specifications. Getting the required soil, plant nutrition, and properly sized pots are all aspects you need to know before starting the garden.

2. Prune Early

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, pruning while a plant is in a dormant stage assists in a faster recovery and a stronger plant. The faster recovery can assist in healthier plants and flowers when the new season comes in. Plants experience dormancy because this helps protect them from the colder temperatures and allows for an almost hibernation period. But for other plants, when it is brought up in extreme temperatures, it may also go dormant at very hot temperatures.

3. Invest in Mulch

Invest in mulch because it benefits your garden plants. Mulch provides drainage of the soil and, in turn, reduces the chances of waterlogged plants for those using clay soil. According to Red Bark, Inc., Straw mulch is said to have a time frame of anywhere between three to six months.

Mulch can regulate the temperature of the soil, keeping it warm in winter and cool in summer. Adding mulch about three inches on top of the soil around the plant can help keep the soil in good condition. It also adds protection from weeds and can aid in moisture retention for the soil.

4. Make Your Garden Comfortable To Spend Time

Approximately 77% of Americans say they enjoy relaxing in their yards and gardens. This garden relaxing time is accounted for at least once a month, according to the National Association of Landscape Professionals. Make your new garden comfortable by featuring shaded sections for plants that need more shade. You can also add a nice outdoor bench or seating area to enjoy the view of your plants and vegetables and the wonderful outdoors.

5. Pesticides When Needed

It’s easy to become heavy-handed on pesticides, but you must focus on going sparingly. For instance, don’t use it if it isn’t necessary. One of the most critical things is not using pesticides during pollination times of the day, hence not in the morning when insects are collecting nectar and pollinating the flowers.

6. Prepare the Ground

Soil, compost, and fertilizer should be in the correct ratios. If too much fertilizer is added, it can be too strong and can burn the plant’s roots. It would help if you also prepared the pots to set your other plants to grow. When you clear the ground, you remove anything that won’t benefit the plant, such as extra rocks, stones, and debris. Next, loosen the soil, and after that, you can add the prepared fertilizer and compost with the mulch and other elements needed. Also, ensure you give your freshly planted flowers and plants enough water.

If you’re not planting in the ground, you can still use plants in pots and hardscaping features for a low-maintenance garden. With your new garden at your Beverly Hills home, you can now continue to enjoy maintaining and, eventually, the beautiful and flourishing garden as it thrives. Your garden will soon be the talk of the neighborhood!

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